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Five cards from the Celebrate Yourself Card Deck have been randomly selected for you! You will receive a prompt from each of the five categories in the deck: Celebrate Your Excitement, Celebrate Your Dreams, Celebrate Your Openness to Receive, Celebrate Your Growth, Celebrate Your Power

5 Surprise Cards from the Celebrate Yourself Card Deck


    Treat yourself to a little something more...

    Possibilities Universe logo in green with a cut out
    Possibilities Universe logo
    black drawing of a key

    Feeling called to do things differently in your life?


    © 2024 by Possibilities Universe.

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    Possibilities Universe was created by Certified Hypnotherapist, Writer, Speaker & Transformation Designer, Lauren Best.

    Birthed from her own desire to explore a more creative and joyful life beyond the perfectionist tendencies that were holding her back...PU is for other seekers, dreamers, and the provoke possibility, to disrupt perfectionism, to hold space for celebration, to enhance curiosity, tap into creativity and deep joy on both a subconscious and conscious level.

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